Living as Medicine for the Soul
addresses itself to the needs of today’s society;
the 21st Century.
The Tea Ceremony provided through NEOILLUSION TEAISM is to help the individual of today’s society acclimate better with the conditions and demands thrust upon those living in this difficult century we find ourselves in.
To start with, NEOILLUSION TEAISM Envisions the self, the human body, and by extension where a person lives and their environment,
as a TEMPLE.
Now, the requirement of a TEMPLE is that it is clean, open, receptive and secure to allow a place of contemplation, focus and direction.
This is the aim of Tea Ceremony at
is a LIFESTYLE lived from inside out where the Tea Ceremonialist puts together a composition of accoutrements, arrangements, and different powers of Tea to bring about a calm entry to such a temple.
is a practice of the Art of Living.
NEOILLUSION TEAISM Ceremony is the Effort and Skill of Unity, It is the celebration of our outer and inner being.
Prepared in an artistic form and combining the cultures of East and West.
NEOILLUSION TEAISM Ceremony brings the service of the moment that contains both Traditional aspects and the Modernity of the moment, while delivering the essence of Beauty and Majesty.
Every ceremony is a ONE OF A KIND experience, Curated with Organic Handcrafted Rare High Teas, Live Music, Delights, Poetry, Discussions, Flower Arrangements, Ceramic Art, Incense, Purification, and more. It includes Tea Education, Art, Culture, History, Philosophy, Fashion, Design and Lifestyle.
It is a Meditative, Contemplative, Artistic, Avant-garde, Zen Experience.
The aim of NEOILLUSION TEAISM Ceremony is to bring relaxation of mind and spirit.
Creating a space for getting in touch with one's being by bringing the Ritual of Tea Drinking to the next level of LUXURY;
The luxury of being alive as a 21st Century Citizen.
We do this by combining new styles with old tradition, letting Tea itself be the symbol representing our gathering.
A Gathering of Lovers steeping together in the Art of Tea Drinking and Conversation.
NEOILLUSION TEAISM Ceremony is the new way to spend time with yourself and your loved ones, making new friends at same time. ​​​


NEOILLUSION TEAISM Ceremony is a way that provides an awareness towards one’s higher self through these compositions brought into play by the Tea Ceremonialist —to help the individual find Peace and Awareness through the Conscious Unfoldment of Joy, Beauty, Grace and Self Respect, which results from the active participation in the rehabilitation of one’s constitutional life.
First and foremost, NEOILLUSION TEAISM is about Tea:
Tea as an act of healing,
Tea as a joy of life.
Tea as a moment to share with Friends and Loved ones,
Tea as a road towards the Sacred.
Tea as a place of Community, Unity, and Progressive Living.
It is a practice of Conscious Awareness.
The host of a NEOILLUSION TEAISM Ceremony is a guide that helps the Tea Drinker associate the meanings and undercurrent activities that Tea, and all it evokes and invokes, in order to facilitate that Internal transformation that
can only happen when the Tea Drinker is at peace and refreshed through the beverage of Tea and The Art of Drinking.
Our Tea Presentations and Performances aim to convey Beauty and Majesty in all their many forms.
We understand that the individual, The Tea Drinker, The Tea Lover, And those who have taken The path of Tea,
are already imbued with Beauty and Majesty.
Our goal is to help them get in touch with what they are already in possession of, thereby helping them to access this precious state that is the human state.
Our platform is to engage the consciousness, refine feelings and expand the heart’s awareness to savor the moment, remedying the balance between the Body and Spirit in exalted discovery of Sublimity in The Way of Tea.

Melanie Barker
Musician, Martial Artist
"RedSquare’s Tea Ceremony is a work of art. Her every motion is defined by grace and mindfulness... As I watch her intently, I feel the stillness that comes when experiencing something deeply beautiful and rich. It is like a meditation, as if time has stretched. RedSquare is truly a master of her art, as one might imagine masters of old. Her knowledge of tea is so deeply rooted in experience that she has become almost an embodiment of tea itself. When she graciously serves me tea, I feel honored."
Aaron Reynolds, Lawyer, Photographer
"I have attended several of RedSquare’s exotic tea ceremonies, and each time have enjoyed a calm awakening of my senses and spirit. Her mastery of the art of tea, combined with her profound knowledge and attention to every ceremonial detail, transforms the experience into something truly special. Her professionalism and attention to detail are impressive. The ceremonies are presented in a beautiful and elegant way, inviting deep appreciation for both the art and joy of tea. RedSquare’s respect for the ancient traditions of tea is clear, and each ceremony leaves me looking forward to the next.
I highly recommend it.”

Arne Glimcher
Founder of Pace Gallery,
Internationally Renowned Art Dealer,
Film Producer, Director
"It heightens your senses. Everything is taken away, you are in another world.
Very quiet, very gentle, so you begin to notice things that would be invisible, or beneath notice.
Everything becomes highly sensitized…
“It way very western in an interesting way. That was informative. There was a conversation back and forth. People give their impressions at the table, very delicate, very friendly, every open. ”

David J. Derdiger
Owner, Acupuncturist/Herbalist, Qigong Instructorat
Open Flow Acupuncture
"I have been to a few high-end tea shops and tasted some of their finest and most coveted teas that money can buy, but no monetary sum can compare to the value of experiencing tea with RedSquare. From beginning to end, there is little distinction between performer and observer, as all are united by the experience of sharing. RedSquare pours with spirit and invites you to drink similarly by encouraging the involvement of not only your senses, but your memories and past experiences as well. Anyone who claims to be an enthusiast of tea should witness and partake in RedSquare’s art."
RedSquare, an internationally renowned Artist, Tea Master, and Calligrapher, has dedicated her life to the Spirit of Tea as an art of profound healing and transformation. As the co-founder of Neoillusion Teaism and RedSquare Tea, she brings decades of expertise and a visionary passion to every ceremony, merging ancient tradition with avant-garde expression. Her transformative work, recognized for its elegance and depth, has graced prestigious galleries, museums, and cultural institutions across the United States, offering audiences a rare glimpse into the timeless beauty and spiritual power of Tea as both an art and a sacred ritual.